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时间:2019-04-22来源:未知 点击:

刘异 副教授(副所长)从事遥感信息提取、三维可视化的教学,研究和人才培养工作







  • 2016.07-2020.06国家重点研发计划:基于国产卫星的典型要素提取技术,研究骨干
  • 2016.07-2018.07基于机器学习的鄱阳湖多源稀疏传感器数据联合反演方法,主持
  • 2016.07-2019.06国家重点研发计划:应急资源与交通路网空间信息快速获取与图资融合技术,研究骨干


  • 2009.07–2012.11武汉大学测绘学院,讲师
  • 2012.12月–至今武汉大学测绘学院,副教授


  1. Yan L, Zhu R, Liu Y, et al. Scene Capture and Selected Codebook-Based Refined Fuzzy Classification of Large High-Resolution Images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, PP(99):1-15,2018. (通讯作者)
  2. Yan L, Zhu R, Liu Y, Mo N. Color-Boosted Saliency-Guided Rotation Invariant Bag of Visual Words Representation with Parameter Transfer for Cross-Domain Scene-Level Classification[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018. (通讯作者)
  3. 廖明,詹总谦,呙维,庞超,刘异. 动态数据驱动模式下基于深度循环网络的湖泊流域降雨汇水径流模拟预测研究. 遥感学报,2018.
  4. Li yan, Ruixi Zhu, Nan Mo and Yi Liu*. Improved Class-Specific Codebook with Two-Step Classification for Scene-Level Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images, Remote sensing, 2017. (通讯作者)
  5. 闫利,朱睿希,刘异. 顾及遥感影像场景类别信息的视觉单词优化分类. 遥感学报,2017,21(2):111-121(通讯作者)
  6. 刘异,庄姊琪,闫利,廖明. 联合Fisher核编码和深度卷积神经网络的高分影像场景分类. 遥感信息,2017
  7. Yi Liu, Bin Li, Liwei Fan. An extension of virtual globe to build on-demand geospatial data sharing capability using peer-to-peer technology. Transaction in GIS, vol16 (6), 2012.
  8. Liu Yi, Tian wenwen. A Foveal Vision based Spatial Prefetch Method on Digital Earth Platform for Performance Improvement, The 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics,2011.
  9. 刘异,龚健雅,呙维. P2P 环境下影像数据流传输的资源定位及选择研究,测绘学报, 2010,39(4):383-389.
  10. Liu Yi, Li Bin, Gong Jianya. A Hybrid CDN-P2P System for Earth-Observation Data Delivery, International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis, 2008.
  11. Liu Yi, Gong Jianya, Wu Huayi. P2P Based Efficient On-line Spatial Images Delivery.Proceeding of SPIE:The15th International Conference on Geoinformatics,2007.
  12. 刘异,呙维,江万寿,龚健雅. 一种基于云计算模型的遥感处理服务模式研究与实现.计算机应用研究 2009.
  13. Wei Guo, JianYa Gong, WanShou Jiang, Yi Liu and Bing She. OpenRS-Cloud: A remote sensing image processing platform based on cloud computing environment, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, Volume 53, Supplement 1, 221-230. 2010.
  14. Bin Li, Yi Liu. RSS for Geo-Spatial Service Description Spatial Service Description and Discovery, GIScience2008 SOA workshop, Park City, Utah. 2008.
  15. Wu Huayi, Zhu Haijun, Liu Yi. A Raster-Based Map Information Measurement for Qos, Proceeding of ISPRS 2004.


  1. 吴华意,朱海军,刘异. 一种二维矢量数据压缩方法,专利公开号CN1777038,2006.
  2. 呙维,朱欣艳,胡涛,刘异. 一种并行的分形网络演化影像分割方法,专利公开CN102831613A.


  • 2016.07-2020.06国家重点研发计划:基于国产卫星的典型要素提取技术,研究骨干
  • 2016.07-2018.07基于机器学习的鄱阳湖多源稀疏传感器数据联合反演方法,主持
  • 2016.07-2019.06国家重点研发计划:应急资源与交通路网空间信息快速获取与图资融合技术,研究骨干